Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


2. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran terakhir tanggal 28 November 2009
3. Biaya pendaftaran Rp. 35.000,- (Kaos Peserta + Sertifikat / piagam bagi pemenang
Diserahkan pada saat technical meeting Tgl. 28 November 2009) untuk 2 lembar foto
4. Foto diambil pada acara Napak Tilas tanggal 29 November ’09 dan pada saat acara Kirab Agung tanggal 06 Desember 2009
5. Foto dapat dicetak warna atau monochrome
6. Foto hrs orininal (tanpa manipulasi) kecuali yg dpt dilakukan dalam kamar gelap (dark room).
7. Foto dicetak di atas kertas (glossy/doff)ukuran min.8r
8. Bebas menggunakan kamera (digital/analog)
9. Pemenang lomba wajib menyerahkan negatif film atau cd foto file
10. Foto diterima panitia selambat-lambatnya 09 Desember 2009 Jam 21.00 WIB
11. Foto yg diserahkan panitia tdk dapat dikembalikan
12. Panitia berhak menggunakan foto pemenang lomba sebagai media promosi
13. Penjurian lomba 10 Desember 2009
14. Pengumuman dan penyerahan hadiah juara 12 Desember 2009
15. Pengambilan sertifikat peserta 12 – 18 Desember 2009

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Napak Tilas Rally Wisata - Grebeg Singhasari 2009

Napak Tilas rally Wisata diadakan tanggal 14 November 2009. Start dari Pendopo Kabupaten Malang, Jl. Merdeka Timur. Finish Singhasari Residence, Kec. Singosari, Kab. Malang.
Peserta : Kendaraan bermotor roda dua, Driving License dan kelengkapan kendaraan bermotor dan pengendara (Safety Riding).
Rute : Pendopo Kab. Malang - Candi Badhut - Candi Kidal - Candi Jajaghu - Pathirtan Watugede - Candi Singhasari - Arca Dwarapala - Singhasari Residence.
Dress code : Pakaian Tradisional / Casual.
Acara : Pengenalan dan menapak tilasi kejayaan Kerajaan Singhasari. Penjelasan tentang sejarah dengan berdasarkan peninggalan Kerajaan Singhasari (relief candi dan arca).
Pendaftaran : Registration fee Rp. 35.000,- (Kaos, Makan Siang, Sertifikat)

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

"Grebeg Singhasari" literally taken from the Old Javanese term "Grebeg" or "gerebeg" which has a clatter of many feet meaning the thunderous (Zoetmulder, 1995:309). In this context, the meaning of the word "Grebeg" refers to the meaning of the kerahan to attend an event. Grebeg Singhasari term used to animate a warning and celebration of 'Day Birthday (anniversary) of Malang Regency.
Deliberately used the name "Singhasari", not the name of "Singosari", Singhasari is arkhais name, which since the year 1254 AD is used to name the capital of the kingdom Tumapel, and then popular to name this kingdom. Singhasari is "icon (icon)" for Malang Raya, which is not only well-known in the archipelago, but also popular in the international realm. In the past this name is used as a great empire, which appears as an autonomous kingdom (1222 - 1292 AD), and then became a vassal kingdom of Majapahit (1293-1527 AD). As well as the royal and cultural center, Singhasari a center of civilization in his time, became a symbol of pride in the glory of the past for citizens of the area of Malang to the present and future, and it is also true identity. Therefore sufficient reason for naming the cultural perhelatan Malang Regency.
Therefore, "Grebeg Singhasari" specifically designed to preserve indigenous cultural arts district treasury assets and increase tourism in the context of the world stretching tourism was slow lately. In addition, this Singhasari Grebeg event also functioned by the community, employers and governments to event information and promotion of tourism industry.

GREBEG SINGHASARI, A Taste of History and Culture

"Grebeg Singhasari" literally taken from the Old Javanese term "Grebeg" or "gerebeg" which has a clatter of many feet meaning the thunderous (Zoetmulder, 1995:309). In this context, the meaning of the word "Grebeg" refers to the meaning of the kerahan to attend an event. Grebeg Singhasari term used to animate a warning and celebration of 'Day Birthday (anniversary) of Malang Regency.
Deliberately used the name "Singhasari", not the name of "Singosari", Singhasari is arkhais name, which since the year 1254 AD is used to name the capital of the kingdom Tumapel, and then popular to name this kingdom. Singhasari is "icon (icon)" for Malang Raya, which is not only well-known in the archipelago, but also popular in the international realm. In the past this name is used as a great empire, which appears as an autonomous kingdom (1222 - 1292 AD), and then became a vassal kingdom of Majapahit (1293-1527 AD). As well as the royal and cultural center, Singhasari a center of civilization in his time, became a symbol of pride in the glory of the past for citizens of the area of Malang to the present and future, and it is also true identity. Therefore sufficient reason for naming the cultural perhelatan Malang Regency.
Therefore, "Grebeg Singhasari" specifically designed to preserve indigenous cultural arts district treasury assets and increase tourism in the context of the world stretching tourism was slow lately. In addition, this Singhasari Grebeg event also functioned by the community, employers and governments to event information and promotion of tourism industry.